Y3K is a publishing company incorporated in Malaysia in 2001. We are publishing a bi-monthly bilingual (English/ Chinese) food magazine and specialize in publishing cookbooks. We have published 40 cookbooks and turned many cooking specialist into cookbook authors.
Y3K Cookbooks Volume no.41 - CHEESECAKES
Y3K Cookbooks Volume no.41
Author: CHEF YU
ISBN 978-967-0328-10-2
First Published in MAY 2014.
Printed in Malaysia
Publisher : Y Thr...
Mabul Island - A colony of Dive Resorts
Our friend Sun Yong introduced readers to Mabul Island in issue 52 some
years ago and we felt in favour of spending our next holiday there for a
short ge...
Wa Koh Kuih (Traditional Sponge-like Fatt Koh)
Y3K Cookbooks Vol.14
Traditional Koh Kuih, Lap Mei & Cookies(糕粿.腊味.饼干)
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